A Day in the Life
This is one of my sunrise scenes from the studio...
To keep the flow going, I meditate every morning before the first hint of daylight whispers across the sky. Then I get to work, usually marketing, order fulfillment, and design work.
When the kids wake up, I change to my role as mother, which actually consists of many smaller roles including guidance counselor, chef, maid, administrative executive, and finder of lost items, to name a few.
After I run the littles off to school, I work out at the gym (I do CrossFit 4-5 days a week because it really challenges me physically...it helps that my husband owns a CrossFit Gym :).
Then it's back to work in the studio...this is usually when I paint, when I know I will be undisturbed.
In the afternoon, its back to the mother role to pick up the boys from school, run them to their various activities, helping with homework, and enjoying my little guys.
When they have gone to sleep, I spend the rest of my evening working, usually this is when I blog, market, design, and list new items. This regimented schedule can sometimes make it challenging to just "turn on" the painting and creative skills, but I do my best!
Currently, I am listing my new Owl Collection over at my Etsy Shop, plus lots of other goodies currently in the works and soon to grace the Cara Mia Bella shelves, like ceramic tiles, mugs, aprons, and puzzles...plus, I may have finally found a way to self-publish my games :) Super happy that it is also by local companies so that I can participate closely in every phase of their creation...hop on over to the Cara Mia Bella Boutique to check the latest by clicking the photo below...
To quote Richard Branson in an article on the 10 Inspirational Quotes from Top Entrepreneurial Leaders: “Starting a business is a huge amount of hard work… You had better enjoy it.“
Now its back to work for me...the sun is about to rise...
Wishing you all continued inspiration and success!
...carrie elizabeth...
I've been rising early every day so I can get a head start on my work and be present for my family. As a work-at-home parent, I have to manage my time, my family's schedule, and still be able to "create on demand" as an artist and creative entrepreneur...at times quite challenging!

When the kids wake up, I change to my role as mother, which actually consists of many smaller roles including guidance counselor, chef, maid, administrative executive, and finder of lost items, to name a few.

Currently, I am listing my new Owl Collection over at my Etsy Shop, plus lots of other goodies currently in the works and soon to grace the Cara Mia Bella shelves, like ceramic tiles, mugs, aprons, and puzzles...plus, I may have finally found a way to self-publish my games :) Super happy that it is also by local companies so that I can participate closely in every phase of their creation...hop on over to the Cara Mia Bella Boutique to check the latest by clicking the photo below...
To quote Richard Branson in an article on the 10 Inspirational Quotes from Top Entrepreneurial Leaders: “Starting a business is a huge amount of hard work… You had better enjoy it.“
Now its back to work for me...the sun is about to rise...
Wishing you all continued inspiration and success!
...carrie elizabeth...