Manifesting Success: Presenting My First Published Artwork!
Today I found a most delightful surprise awaiting me in my mailbox...two of the We'Moon 2013 Calendars featuring my first ever published artwork!
For those of you unfamiliar with these theme-based yearly planners, they are the reference guide for anyone who follows a nature and magical-based spiritual path, the pages filled with gorgeous feminist and spiritually inspired art and writing. Each day gives astrological data, magical correspondences, and seasonal holidays. My painting "Healing Water (Mama Luna)" shares the page about the Winter Solstice. The theme for the 2013 edition is based on the Tarot Archetype of Death and all of its transformational symbolism and energy of letting go and new beginnings.
I have been reading We'Moon since I was 14 years old hanging out in Metaphysical Shops, questioning my religious upbringing and seeking my own relationship to the Divine...and now here I am published in this same guidepost of my youth...I look forward to whatever doors open as a result of this wonderful opportunity. I will be attending the We'Moon Calendar Release party in Oregon in November and will meet the other contributors involved in creating this book...should be a very inspiring and empowering event!
Before that I have a big festival coming up the beginning of August, and 4 gallery shows each month until the end of the year. I am in the midst of studying Marketing and continually working to improve my Etsy Shop, ...and of course there's the daily mothering/housewife gig...busy, to say the least!
I hope you all are enjoying some relaxation and summer bliss...I love summertime!
I'm off to celebrate with a swim in a crystal clear river surrounded by giant Redwood trees...
ahh summer!
...carrie elizabeth...