Manifesting Success: Vintage-Inspired Booth Design
This weekend is the Summer Arts and Music Festival in Benbow, California. If you remember, this was the first big 2-day festival I worked a booth at last year. Now, armed with a wellspring of knowledge, experience, and plenty of new and unique artwork, I am once again venturing into this fun and sure-to-be successful event. Last year there was a lot of rain, so I didn't do as well as I had hoped. This year is calling for sunny, gorgeous weather. Plus, I've incorporated a new booth display design to attract customers and boost sales. Here's some of my booth pics from my trial setup in my backyard...
This is an old restaurant door that I am using to hang my new collection of small original paintings.
Very simple, fun and unique...placed at the entrance of my booth for eye-catching flair and great visual of my paintings.
I have many more of these little paintings to hang.
Instead of displaying my cards inside of the drawers laying down, I decided to build a different dynamic and better view of the cards.
I set up each section with the same design to make it easier for people to shop. Plus I set up the drawers to give the maximum view of my products (whereas before, the drawers were more the center of attention). I have 22 drawers to play with, so I got creative.
Here is a peek at how I stacked the drawers...
Everything used in my booth is used somewhere in my home, like this beautiful Manzanita "dish", now a display for postcards.
And this unique book stand and vintage fairy tale book become a display for bookmarks.
One of my most revered vintage treasures is this wooden suitcase from France. I am so excited to show it off as a display for notecard sets.
And of course, I am including the many new original paintings that I've created these last few months.
Being Northern California, I added some bohemian flair by attaching butterfly wings to the art doll.
A clever way to hold up the price sign...
This festival is so fun, and I'm looking forward to shining success and abundance!
Visit the Summer Arts and Music Festival if you are in Southern Humboldt County (click the picture below)...
Here are the links to last year's post and booth design:
Wish me luck! See you next Friday with some pictures of the event...