Happy Solstice!
I'm building a Faery Garden in front of our home, with an old bathtub converted into a pond and abundant containers filled with flowery abodes for the Nature Spirits to reside...a magical place for our little ones (child and faery) to spend their summer days (with a sunny lounge chair for mama to read and relax)...
I do love Summer!
Wishing you the power, energy, and radiance of the sun as we celebrate our creative fire and the abundance and beauty of Nature
on Summer Solstice and Litha...
Blessed Be!
I'll have my booth at the Garberville Farmer's Market this Friday, so be sure to pick up some art with your veggies--food for the body and art for the soul :)
I'll have my booth at the Garberville Farmer's Market this Friday, so be sure to pick up some art with your veggies--food for the body and art for the soul :)