A Collection of Hearts, part 2 (Mama Mia)


May celebrates Hearts and true love in all forms...every week this month, I'll share hearts I have found in art and nature to inspire and remind us to open our hearts to true love!  Do you have a heart to share?  Add your link in the comments below and I'll update this post with a link to your blog post.

To see last week's Heart-themed post, visit this link:

"Mama Mia!" ACEO by CEWM

My Mother has opened up her very own Etsy Shoppe!  Visit her cozy little world of lovely vintage treasures at My French Cottage (she has a lifetime love of all things French, and quite the eye for finding value and beauty amidst the discarded objects of yard sales and thrift stores...I guess that's where I get my love of salvaging and searching for treasures!

By the way, I am the designer of her banner and company branding...I tried several other designs before we decided on this cheerful and charming yellow banner.  Here are some of the other's I created.


...cozy cottage...

...shabby chic...

Which is your favorite?
I really like the bottom one, but the yellow one complements her products more.

Thanks for visiting!

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