Finding Inspiration: Autumn in the Mountains
I started running at sunrise to help me wake up so I can get the family ready for school. I am not a morning person and I don't do caffeine, so I needed to be able to wake up and feel energized...I chose running in nature. I've been running/walking 4-5 days a week since August, and I've not only seen some of the most incredible sunrises, but I've also lost some weight and feel more focused, strong and balanced. I put myself and nature first in my day, something that is very important for parents and caregivers to keep balanced. I have made it a morning moving meditation, and these images will show why...
Come run with me.......
A lot of turkeys live here, as well as deer, black bear, panther, elk, quail, owl, hawk, bald eagle, jack rabbit, and all sorts of birds, bugs, and critters.

The Equinox brings the harvest.
The mountain garden is ripe and ready...sunflowers, roses, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, kale, chard, lettuce, onion, lavender, red raspberries, blackberries, dahlias, and flowers flowers flowers...all organic of course.
Everyone should grow their own organic food, even in the city in pots or community gardens.
Save the Earth by living sustainably!
Happy Equinox/Mabon!
We give thanks for all the blessings, bounty, and beauty of the Earth!
© 2011 Carrie W Martinez and Cara Mia Bella