A Box of Cards
I have been a very busy woman! First, I wish to thank everyone who has been visiting here and my Facebook page, and all of the kind words and support you have left in the comments...T-H-A-N-K-S!! Your taking the time to visit is much appreciated :) And THANKS to all who have been visiting me and my booth, shopping at my Etsy shop, and buying my products at the many retail locations. I wish you beauty and joy! Thanks for supporting the Arts!
Things at the Studio have been all about business, but I am feeling the desire to start painting more...I have some pieces in the works and some ideas brewing. Plus, I am working on a couple of games that should be complete by September.
Here are some pictures of a beautiful collaged tin that I was gifted by my sister. It was handmade by a vendor at the Arts and Music Festival I recently vended at. I am a big Frida Kahlo fan, so I searched for the perfect contents for this special box.
When I received my new business cards, I knew I needed a special container for them. I was very pleased to find they fit in the Frida tin perfectly! This is a little unusual in that my cards are an unconventional 2.25 inches square. You can see in the picture how they fit neatly, with little extra space. Some things are just meant to be...
And finally, I sold my first painting as a new business woman! The African Creation Goddess original painting has found a new home! The gallery owner told me that the buyer claimed she "could look at this painting forever." I feel honored!
(Don't worry, I will still have the limited edition prints and cards of this image for sale.)
Wishing you a joyful heart, a peaceful soul, and a happy life!