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A Day at the Museum
I had the good fortune to see the Post-Impressionist Masterpieces from the Musee d'Orsay collection, featuring such artists as Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Georges Seurat, Paul Cezanne and many other late nineteenth century painters. The exhibit took place at San Francisco's DeYoung Museum in the beautiful Golden Gate Park.
Van Gogh 1887 |
What an inspiration to see up-close the brush strokes and color layers, to feel the emotions that the artists must have felt as they poured their souls into each painting. I couldn't take pictures at the museum, so these images are from the exhibit's book. However, I do recommend seeing them if you are in the San Francisco area to fully capture their essence. The exhibit runs until mid-January.
I would like to share with you some truly inspiring works of art, and then a mini collection of apples, as they were quite a popular subject to paint. Perhaps you can see their influence in my own works...
Van Gogh 1888 |
I was the most excited to finally see the "Starry Night" painting by Van Gogh, by far the most influential painting of my artistic style over the years.
Van Gogh 1888 |
Van Gogh 1888 |
Van Gogh 1888 |
Some other paintings at the museum that I found inspiring....
Maurice Denis 1893 |
Paul Gauguin 1891 |
Gauguin 1892 |
Emile Bernard 1888 |
Bernard 1888 |
Gauguin 1894 |
Henri Rousseau 1907 |
Gauguin 1888 |
Maurice Denis 1892 |
Felix Vallotton 1897 |
Emile Bernard 1887 |
Toulouse-Lautrec 1889 |
Edgar Degas 1890 |
Finally, I found it fascinating that the apple was such a popular subject to paint. Since I use my apple painting as the trademark for my company, I thought I'd share some images of the many apples seen at the exhibit...
Paul Cezanne 1880 |
Cezanne 1880 |
Paul Serusier 1891 |
Gauguin 1889 |
Gauguin 1889 |
Cezanne 1890 |
Gauguin 1886 |
Cezanne 1890 |
Such inspiration! I actually started dreaming of painting and look forward to bringing this inspiration into my works. The Drawing Table returns shortly with some big plans for the coming year, so please check back for more art and inspiration.